Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Reunion

So we went to the reunion last Saturday night. It was awesome! I am so glad we went and I got to see one person that I was very good friends with in high school. I did not expect to see her because she lives in Atlanta. It was so strange to see everyone that I haven't seen in 10 years. I thought for sure we would get some sort of prize for having four kids, we were the only ones that had 4 one other family had 3 a few had two but most had either one or no kids. They did give out a prize for youngest child- we did not qualify. There was a couple that had dated in high school and they are still together, how awesome is that? There were a few people that still live out here and I didn't know they did. All in all it was an amazing time. I also got to see the maid of honor from my wedding. She graduated in 2001 but her sister graduated in 1997. The reunion was for 97/98 graduates. My camera completely flaked out on me that night and made all the pics gray. But I have taken these pics from Jenn's myspace page.
These were from my camera, I really don't know why it did this. I tried all different settings and light-oh well.Two sweet friends.


The Letter 'W' said...

You look beautiful!Glad you got to go.

Genny said...

I'm so glad you went and had a good time! You look great! Mine is coming waaaaay too quickly. Did you go to Palm Desert?