Sunday, April 6, 2008

I Love, I Wish


  • The way my family treats each other after we get home from church.
  • Hearing someone totally praise their spouse. I also love seeing respect toward the spouse in action.
  • That God gave my husband to me as a gift, and he is such a treasure to me.


  • I could make that "church feeling" last all week.
  • I could show respect for my husband by praising him to others and to him directly.
  • I would realize the gift the Lord has given me more often.

There are so many times in a day where I can barely make it through the day much less think about extra things like brushing my hair, painting my toenails, respecting my husband, you know,things like that. My husband and I just get so used to making it through the day that some days by the end of the day I look at him and say "Have you been wearing that shirt all day?" We don't even have time to notice each other. Not on purpose, just as a survival method.

I AM...

  • Going to make that "Church feeling" last all week, I will find a way.
  • Going to devote more time to my husband, listening when he talks, trusting his judgement (without questioning him), and serving him (I want to bring him a glass of water when I think he may be thirsty...).
  • Going to thank the Lord every day for my husband.
  • Going to devote more time to reading the Bible. I usually save it for the end of the day because I have time then, but I am usually tired so I don't get to read as much as I would like. I am going to make it a priority, instead of a side note.

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