Tuesday, May 27, 2008

And the Culprit is...

A size comparison- he swallowed the one on the left, not the penny.

This one is blurry but you can see how thick the battery was.
I cannot believe my son who has trouble swallowing a cracker could swallow this battery. They put a scope down his throat after realizing that it had never did travel to his intestines, it stayed in his stomach. Because it was still in his stomach, the stomach acid was eating away at the battery. In the middle picture you can see where the blue plastic part is showing. The battery acid made a small burn on his esophagus and he has to take Pepcid for a little while to allow the burn to heal. They originally thought it had moved because of the way he was positioned or the battery was positioned. Luckily it came out easily and we are all home. It was very stressful and I am so grateful for every one's prayers, Thank you so much!


Holly said...

Prayers answered - thank God. So glad to hear the news Kristen. Thanks for always updating : )

The Letter 'W' said...


Jen said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I think it is interesting that we both have special-needs kids. Our youngest was a twin, but we lost the other baby during the first trimester. Emmaline survived, but surprised us with having Down syndrome and a hole in her heart. I really couldn't imagine life without her. Isn't it amazing how God gives us just what we need even when we don't know we need it? Hope you are having a good week!

Monica said...

I'm so glad that whole episode is over. How scary!! I'll be praying for quick healing and some great relaxing down-time (relatively speaking of course) for your family.

Cris said...

Praise the Lord! How is he doing now?

Genny said...

Hey, this is Genny Foley...we have been watching eachothers kids Saturday night at church lately. I stumbled across your blog through the page of a fellow Mom and have really enjoyed reading about your family. It was nice to hear that the battery issue was resolved without too much trauma. It is amazing how he managed to get that thing down! I wanted to give you the address to the blog I just started also. It is http://kev-gen-dylan.blogspot.com. I look foward to reading about and seeing more of your beautiful family!