Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Festivities

Making our resurrection story cookies, beating the pecans
Beating pecans....

Two attempts at a good family photo... umm not so good.

Last night at 7:15 I realized that we had not colored eggs nor had we made our resurrection story cookies. So we had to whip up some hard-boiled eggs while the kids were showering, and let them cool while we started the cookies. We totally had to multi-task but we did it all and the kids went to bed only about 45 min late. We also had not finished purchasing items for the easter baskets, so DH went to Wal Mart. Normally he completely dislikes Wal Mart but last night I called him after he had been there for 1 hour to find out what was going on. He was so excited for the stuff he was getting for the kids, it was really cute. He bought a t-ball stand for the Prince, a princess tea party set for, well you can guess who that was for. Maracas for the boys and a sno-cone maker for the whole family. Also star wars toys, a dvd, a kids cd and chairs for us at the t-ball games. It was awesome. While I was walking around cleaning up and filling eggs, my ankle began hurting, and kept getting worse. I took pain medicine but I was having trouble walking on it. I woke up in the middle of the night and I could barely get out of bed. Luckily wearing high heels to church took pressure off of it so I could walk through church and just barely limp. But it still hurts. I was having visions of using crutches to go into church, thank you God for allowing me to be able to walk today.
Anyway, we woke up and the Easter Bunny had not come, we had previously asked him to wait until we got home from church to bring goodies or else we never would have made it to church at 8:15. After church we stopped by my mom's house for a quick photo shoot before heading to breakfast. Good thing too because the kids were covered in food yuck. We went to a buffet and the kids loved it because they got ice cream after breakfast. Oh the joy! It went pretty smoothly for a family who never ventures out to restaurants.
We came home and they enjoyed their Easter treasures and we watched this Jesus video we have that chronicles His life. Then we had an egg hunt. Now we are all relaxing and out of our fancy clothes and just hanging together. What a great day!!
We are very thankful for Jesus giving his life for us, it is definitely a time when we reflect on all that we have because of Him.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hi Kristen!
Great blog! I don't know how you find the time to do all this writing and EVERYTHING you do for your family. Are you really Superwoman disguised as sweet Kristen?? So glad that I could keep up with your family this way. See you soon!