What I learned/experienced/felt this weekend at the Race For Hope:
- I am so very blessed to have BOTH my babies, some families there have lost both their babies, some have lost one. We are truly blessed.
- I have totally taken for granted the fact that I had two healthy pregnancies prior to the twins.
- Twice as many babies die from TTTS than from SIDS, yet everyone has heard of SIDS and hardly anyone knows about TTTS.
- There is so much pain in remembering all that we went through during that pregnancy. Other parents too, just talking about it or talking about Dr. Chmait, would bring the tears out.
- I am so deeply grateful to Dr. Chmait, and the surgeries he performs. He is such a humble man that he thanked me 3 times for "The kinds words I said about him" during a speech I gave on Saturday night at the reunion dinner. He was thanking me?? I owe him much more than kind words, he gave me two precious lives.
- It was freezing, 50 degrees and raining, us desert dwellers don't know how to handle that kind of weather. The Princess was randomly crying, and the Prince would not come out from under the blanket.
- If your husband is in better shape than you are (mine works at a gym) and he is running in a race and your are walking and sometimes running, make sure you have the bottle that belongs to the baby in YOUR stroller.
- Be grateful to the Lord for every moment you have with your children!
The kids fun run before the race.
Nurse Mary and Dr. Chmait, we are eternally grateful!!
The miracle babies!!
Fetalhope.org is a foundation started by a man whose daughters survived TTTS. He was in charge of the race and is working on raising awareness and giving hope to families who suffer from many different fetal distresses.
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