Monday, June 30, 2008


The boys have been very lovey lately. The Bulldozer has been the initiator of most of the sweetness but then the munchkin reciprocates with the kisses. When I had to put them in the bath yesterday 45 minutes earlier than usual I had to find something to entertain them so I brought out the bubbles. That was the most fun ever! Because everything was wet, the bubbles stuck to the walls and the kids. They had an absolute blast! Just thought I would share the trick, we will definitely be doing bubbles in the bath more often.
** I do have a small hand-held bubble blower that I bought at target for $5 that works
I am going to inform everyone that the munchkin has lost a pound, I am currently waiting to find out when we will be getting the feeding tube, it is definitely inevitable now. The hospital stay is 2-3 days which will be interesting to work out but my husband's work is willing to cooperate with his schedule, that is a good thing. I will update with the surgery date when I know.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh Kristen!! These pictures are absolutely PRECIOUS!! Seriously your kids are too cute!! You can REALLY see the resemblance in the boys with their PJ's on (well I guess I should... they're identical...) but still!! They are sooo cute! LOVE the pictures!

The Letter 'W' said...

The boys are sooo sweet together! Sorry to hear that the munchkin has to get his feeding tube, but we want him to be healthy , right?!

Cris said...

Girl, you are genius! We have that little bubble machine and I never thought about using it during bath time. Might be a good trick when the baby gets here. =) I applaud you!! We will continue to pray for the munchkin. God knows what he's doing. Sending love to ya and the sweetpeas!

Genny said...

Great pictures! I just love your boys they are both so sweet. Munchkin just makes my day when I get to watch him, he has so much joy. Sorry to hear about the feeding tube I will be praying for you guys.

Lydia said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to getting to know you through your blog. We have four children, ages 6, 4, 2 and 2. My four year old has spina bifida so I know what it's like to have twins AND a special needs child. God is good AND faithful! The doctors discovered at about 13 weeks gestation that one of the boys wasn't growing and thought TTTS had developed. I was on bedrest and ensure (did you have to do that). We prayed HARD. We are very fortunate that I made it to 35 weeks. Connor almost died but both boys are healthy today- oraise the Lord! I'm still not sure if we really had TTTS because they are both so healthy (but small). Looking forward to knowing you better!

The Evans Crew said...

Looks like fun, I am going to have to steal your idea (I too use bath time as something to do on those long days) Sorry to hear your little one needs a feeding tube, it's always hard when you have to see them go through things like that. One of our twins has a VP shunt in her head for hydrocephalus and it's always a worry, but the good news is that kids rebound so much faster than big people, he will do just great!!!!